
I really dont know what the headline refers- just thought i would write something catchy, maybe attract a more philosophical readership-  Not that those of you reading are retarded or anything- well not all of you.

Today was an average day, like most average days are- it started out with a great sleep and some intimate cuddles and amazing sex- yes i am still lying on my sheets with have this unusual crunchy spot- thanks Junior.  BTW- its mass murder what you did- i feel like i am lying ontop of an unmarked grave of millions of lil junior “shoulda-coulda’s”.  A moment of silence please for all the lost soldiers…!…………………………………………………… OK- enuff about Juniors junk on my bed- more to what unfolded in our day.  So after we arose from bed, we proceeded to make some pasta for lunch, ate it, had some leftover ice cream cake from my bday (June 23rd- just turned 27years old- again)… and then headed off to work.  Worked all night and came home- watched Junior strip down to his skivies so i could wash our work clothes for our Sunday shift and an evening crap in the can and here we are in the present….  OMFG- if we make this a reality show, people are gona be soo bored!  Lets spice it up some.  Lets dive into how i feel about The Crazy fleeing the scene of his crime.  (Recap, The Crazy is my ex of 8yrs who left me for our best friend only to be dumped 2 weeks after and then came crawling home with his tail between his legs in shame.  Apparantly the grass wasnt so green over the fence, you lept without looking and landed in dog shit… well that will fucking teach yu..!  So, because i was in remorse (not really, but to give me some glimmer of empathy, lets just play pretend.)  I allowed The Crazy to come bak home.  He moved his shit back into “our” room and proceeded to act as though all was well.  Boy, did i hammer on the breaks and was like “Nu’uh biatch, u aint crashing ma crib wit ur gay drama and last years baggage”  At which point i moved him into the spare room where he became a full fledge roomie- paying bills n rent and the like.)  BTW, as yu read this, he’s moving at the end of the month- so if u needs a place to move into- rent is $600/mth and includes all utilities and a place in our blog and ya- love, we include free love as well… just not free me, i don’t like people to love them- unless they are on fire, then i love to watch people.

Why do u ask did we split?  Well that’s where it gets kinda complicated and hurts to discuss- He was a lying cheating whore for all 8years, i was never good enough either good looking, good in bed, good personality or good anything- so he slept around and even had the nerve to bring home Chlamydia (i dint know her well enuff to ever invite her home, but The Crazy thot it would be pristine to invite her in bed with us one night… bad move!)  So i eventually got fed up and when he sed he was moving in with our best friend that they were exploring the idea of a relationship- i was like “aiight, see ya.”

So now, he advised me last night that he will be seeking domicile residency elswhere at the end of this month- not with a close friend or family, of course not- lets shack up with some dirty fag trick from off the web, never met nor hung out or anything, cuz i am sure this will work out.  WANTED- Roomie with Common Sense and money… its a hard request, but i am sure there has to be someone drivin a Lexus with an iphone 4.  Welfare pays me directly, best kind of arrangement.

Now i gotta post me a Craigslist ad to replace the lost soul, i should also subscribe to the local paper- i m sure we find him in there soon.

Well i am tired and really need to sleep- busy day tomorrow, think i am doing all of nothin.  Peace out y’all…


oh ya- the Moral…. hummmm…  Lets just say that Baseball is al wrong…!  A man with 4 balls cannot walk…!